It’s That Meme Again …

… the one where you answer a set of questions using the the titles of books you’ve read this year.

There’s something strangely pleasurable about  fitting titles into slots, and so I am delighted that Pop Culture Nerd has sent a wonderful new set of questions out into the world.

As always, some books fit beautifully, some look a little odd, and a few look positively surreal …


One time at band/summer camp, I: played Scissors,Paper, Stone (by Elizabeth Day)

Weekends at my house are: The Ladies’ Paradise (by Emile Zola)

My neighbour is: Lettice Delmer by (Susan Miles)

My boss is: The Man with the Cane (by Jean Potts)

My ex was: The Expendable Man (by Dorothy B Hughes)

My superhero secret identity is: Poker Face (by Josie Barnard)

You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry because: you would see the Darkside (by
Belinda Bauer)

I’d win a gold medal in: The Seas (by Samantha Hunt)

I’d pay good money for: The Best of Everything  by Rona Jaffe)

If I were president, I would: Sacrifice (by S J Bolton)

When I don’t have good books, I: hit The Blank Wall (by Elizabeth Sanxay Holding)

Loud talkers at the movies should be: Framed in Cornwall (by Janie Bolitho)


Do have a try!

5 responses

  1. Pingback: My life in my books read – the 2011 version « Gaskella

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