Just Two Things …

The first is to say thank you to all of those who have offered sympathetic words and prayers to my mother and I. My mother is still very frail,but a stay in a nursing home has allowed her to receive treatment for one or two problems, and on Thursday she begins physiotherapy. We hope that will give her a little more strength and mobility so that she can come home to her beloved promenade.

The second is to say, rather belatedly, that KATE has won a copy of A Wreath of Roses by Elizabeth Taylor, and that I am just about to send her an email to find out where to send her book.

And I should add that the celebrations of Elizabeth Taylor’s centenary are continuing. This month’s book is A Game of Hide and Seek, and this month’s host is Buried in Print

6 responses

  1. So glad that you Mum is healing!! Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers and look forward to the post where she gets to come home!

  2. I’m sorry that I missed your post about your mother being not so well. it’s good to hear that things are improving and I hope that they continue to x

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